Our Work...
The Coplexity Group operates from a set of simple rules that guide how we engage with our partners.
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Scroll down and take a moment to view some of our clients and the steps we took in implementing our solutions. Once the gears of implementation begin to turn, it's a seamless transition into more succinct, focused and structured organizational vision.
Rock Island School District
Rock Island, IL
ISSUE: RISD experienced a sharp rise in suspensions and expulsions across the school district for children of color. District leadership decided to define and adopt cultural competency as a part of their leadership and instructional practices.
RESULTS: The leadership team took on the responsibility of implementing practices within schools from their respective roles. The superintendent, curriculum supervisors and principals were able to communicate and adopt new practices within the context of their roles. This resulted in leaders being ore invested due to shared learning experiences and common language that was created by them.